Episode #104. If you’ve got a lot of mindset junk going on in your head…you’re not alone. I’ve been doing inner-work more and more as I work on growing and shifting Go-to Gal. And I keep thinking, I’ve got to share this with you! 

I know these mindset issues can come up in the past, present or future. Because if you’re pushing your limits and looking at that next level, you will experience this. I want to share with you what’s going on with me and the 7-step process I use for myself and my clients to get through all the mindset struggles. Listen now to start working through all those messy mindset struggles in your head. We’re in this together!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why you’re getting in your own way even when you don’t know it
  • How to pinpoint your mindset junk when you don’t have a name for it
  • Behind the scenes into how I’m growing and all the fears that brings up
  • The 7 strategies I give my clients to break out of mindset junk
  • How I’m using mindset makeover strategies to flip the switch on my doubts
There's this weird thing in the online space where how much money you make is more important than how much knowledge you have. That’s backwards!

Favorite Quotes:

“This could be something that’s selling to hundreds or thousands. I laugh at myself, but also think, ‘Oh crap, what’s going on here? Why am I getting in my own way?’”

“There’s this weird thing in the online space where how much money you make is more important than how much knowledge you have. That’s backwards!”

“We’re shining this big light on ourselves and seeing all our flaws, but it’s really not about you at all.”

Discussed on the Show:

Selena Soo Impostor Syndrome

Ep 98 – I Might Be Having an Identity Crisis