How to Create Excitement For Your Offer Step By Step with Gayneté Jones
Episode #196. How do you create excitement around your offer? It sounds nice enough, but what are the actual steps and strategies to get it done?! Gayneté Jones is here to share all — and she’s even pulling out her Trello board to do it. With multiple successful...
3 Keys to Raising Your Rates Without Making Your Audience Flinch
Episode #191. If you’ve ever thought, ‘No way would my clients pay more for this offer. How can I possibly raise rates? I don’t know anyone who would pay double what I’m charging’ … this one is for you! For many business owners out there, it’s true....
Upleveling Your Personal Brand with Phil Pallen
Episode #184. You are probably familiar with the term personal branding, but now it’s time to dig deeper. Phil Pallen is an expert brand strategist who gets to the root of how you show up and what you crave most in your business. Ever thought about personal branding...
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