Here is a list of some of the content that I’ve been consuming as I’m on a journey to learn and DO better. This is not comprehensive and is literally growing daily.
I’m sharing in hopes that if you are a white member of our Go-To Gal community – that you are on a similar path and this may help or inspire you. Please know the intent is not to just simply listen and learn – but to listen and learn so I can DO better. I encourage you to do the same!
I will also update you when I have a more clear plan for actions I am taking on both a personal level and within our company.
These are a few of the podcast episodes that I listened to these this week. These all brought be to tears at one point and made an impact on me in some way shape or form.
Podcast: Business Life and Joy
Host: Shunta Grant
Episode: What You Can Do About Racism
Click here to listen!
Podcast: The Nicole Walters Podcast
Host: Nicole Walkers
Episode: Fight or Flight
Click here to listen!
Podcast: Two Sisters and a Cult
Host: Jada Smith & Alesia Galati
Episode: Podcast Blackout
Click here to listen!
Host: Brene Brown
Episode: Brené with Ibram X. Kendi on How to Be an Antiracist
Click here to listen!
Aandra Bohlen
Powerful video to learn about privilege in under a minute.
Click here to watch!
Osheta Moore
“There’s a better way to post about race”
Click here to watch!
Tori Washington
“STOP THE GUILT – Ways to show up as an ally with your voice.” (Definitely check out her workshop below too!)
Click here to watch!
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Show up and Serve by Trudi Lebron
(This is specifically designed for coaching, but I think would be helpful/eyeopening to anyone who is working with clients.)
Click here to invest in the workshop!
Free #dothework online course by Rachel Cargle
Click here to subscribe! (Also note that Rachel offers a Patreon paid community that I recommend you check out too! Yes, I joined myself!)
And I signed up for these two LIVE events this week:
(Unfortunately the times overlap, but I plan on watching the replay.)
Town Hall for Reimagining Small Business by Rachel Rodgers (and with several other experts)
Embodied Allyship by Tori Washington
This is happening live this week, I’m so grateful for Tori putting this together because I haven’t been able to find anything else like this!
Click here to invest in the workshop!
(I’ve been seeking out ways to give support financially, and realized that finding people/companies who are matching donations is the best way to double my impact. If you are looking to donate, I encourage you to do the same when possible!)
Tech Dollars Matching For Justice
Click here for the list!
Click here for the full list! (I didn’t create this, just sharing as I found it helpful.)
*Please note, none of the links in this email are affiliate links. And please know I will always be upfront with you when I am sharing affiliate links.