Mindset Makeover: That Thing You Keep Putting Off

Mindset Makeover: That Thing You Keep Putting Off

Actually taking action can feel really freaking scary, right? I feel like that on a monthly basis. But doing those scary things that take me out of my comfort zone are absolutely what accelerate my business. In this episode, I get real with recent experiences that had...
Mindset Makeover: That Thing You Keep Putting Off

Mindset Makeover: That Thing You Keep Putting Off

Episode #60. Actually taking action can feel really freaking scary, right? I feel like that on a monthly basis. But doing those scary things that take me out of my comfort zone are absolutely what accelerate my business. In this episode, I get real with recent...
Mindset Makeover: End Your Guilt Trip with This Shift

Mindset Makeover: End Your Guilt Trip with This Shift

Episode #49. There are some guilty consciences in the air and it’s about time we cleared that up! I don’t know about you but I was practically raised with guilt. Feeling guilty is something I’ve struggled with for a long time and that’s why I’m very intentional about...
When you have a case of Comparisonitis

When you have a case of Comparisonitis

Comparison sometimes feels like this disease all entrepreneurs have, something I like to call comparisonitis. This tricky little infection is something we try our best to avoid by unfollowing every jealousy-inducing feed and staying in our own protective bubble. But...
Mindset Makeover: Curse of the Expert

Mindset Makeover: Curse of the Expert

Episode #34. After working with hundreds of experts, there are a few mindset traps I see them fall into over and over again. This is one of them, Gals! Believe it or not, there are some serious blind spots around your own expertise and they are holding you back....